23 people participated in the June meeting.
The club has 2 new members: Anette Schrage and Linda Heimlich.
Anette is known to club members already because she recently gave a presentation of her work. Her subject is mixed media fine art and she has shown work at the Photosynthesis shows at Artspring.
Linda has recently moved to…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on June 15, 2021 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments
There were 20 participants for may's zoom Club meeting.
The deadline for submitting photos to this year's Eclectic Visions virtual show has come and gone! It was May 15th but I'm sure there's still time to beg an entry if the dates slipped your mind.
On May 25th the Victoria Camera Club has organized a talk on macro photography with Don Komarechka. Kahsia highly recommends him and, since Macro is our next month's challenge, it is a pertinent subject to look in to. You…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on May 16, 2021 at 11:39am — No Comments
23 members on Zoom.
The meeting started with a presentation by Lynda Miller (from the Kelowna Photography Club) of CAPA. CAPA is the Canadian Association for photographic Art. It is divided into 5 Zones across Canada and Lynda is the director of the Pacific Zone.
It is a non-profit charitable Association and has thousands of individual members and around 90 clubs. It is for photographers of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and offers speakers, competitions and…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on April 17, 2021 at 3:15pm — 1 Comment
A big round of thanks to our four judges: Pat and Rosemarie Keough, David Borrowman and Simon Henson who agreed to independently rank the 16 images submitted to them in order to identify the 6 that went forward to represent the club at the 2021 North Sore Competition.
The selected images (in no particular order) are as follows:
Kahsia Hartwell - Bosque del…
ContinueAdded by Pierre Mineau on February 11, 2021 at 10:27am — 2 Comments
An advert came up that Topazlabs.com has a sale on for the next 14 days. They must have heard the discussion on Zoom tonight! I won't post the link because it was on FB.
UPDATE: Apparently this is a reported problem with Zoom in that it does share content with Facebook & others.
Added by Patricia Page on December 23, 2020 at 3:09pm — No Comments
I would like to restart meetings. I say that without knowing:
1. With social distancing of 2 metres, what is the capacity of the Harbour House room?
2. What is the normal attendance at a club meeting?
I miss seeing fellow club members, the educational programs and the monthly themed slide show.
I am willing to assist helping arrange the room with proper social distancing and with putting chairs away. I am also alright with wearing a mask…
ContinueAdded by Curt Firestone on July 18, 2020 at 3:56pm — No Comments
Pierre opened the meeting at 7pm. 3 new members introduced themselves; JusteneTedder (who has been taking lots of photos in Africa ), Mahmoud Ray Abras (who is already posting on the website; check out his raindrop photo) and Ellen Vesterdal. Usha, not yet a member, was also present.
Exhibits: Pierre has some canvas photos at Embe Bakery Sandwich shop and the Group of Six are still showing at Fernwood Cafe (new photos now) until the middle of March.
The Club's…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on February 15, 2020 at 11:00am — 1 Comment
Pierre presided and welcomed 3 members of Photosynthesis to the meeting - Amy Melious, Alane Lalonde and Kristina Heineman. Lois introduced her husband Ted to the Club.
We ate, drank and chatted and then held a short meeting followed by a slide show of our 'Wildlife in our backyard' photos.
Wendy addressed the January Lobby Show at Artspring. The show will be hung on Monday January 6th. Bring your photos to Artspring that day between 9.30am - 11am. Two photos per person…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on December 22, 2019 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment
Added by Wendy Rosier on November 20, 2019 at 1:21am — 4 Comments
Pierre welcomed Emma, a German student from Stuttgart, who had come with Jan Steinman to the meeting.
Shows: Pierre is still showing photos at Embe Bakery sandwich shop and asked if anyone would like to replace him. There is room for 5 or 6 11" x 14" framed photos. Please contact Pierre if you are interested; pierre.mineau2@gmail.com
The Group of Six are showing their work at Fernwood Café with an opening on Sunday Nov17th from 2pm - 4pm. Everyone is…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on November 16, 2019 at 11:00am — 1 Comment
Pierre was away in Washington DC talking to Congress - about ecology, we think. Avril hosted the meeting with her usual grace and humour.
The Club members who were present thanked Judy, Ross and Kahsia for all the hard work they put into the Fall Fair photography section. Kahsia, in turn, thanked all the club volunteers who helped over the weekend. It was very successful and had more photo entries than other years. Simon was one of the judges, putting in 10 hours at least, and many…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on October 13, 2019 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments
Pierre welcomed two new faces; Pat McMahon, a retired architect, has been on the Island for two years and uses her I-phone to take pictures and enjoys manipulating the images with aps. Ellen Vestigal had heard about the Club just hours before the meeting whilst submitting photos for the Fall Fair. She has been on the Island for 8 days and is married to the new minister of the United Church.
Avril is showing photos at Fernwood Café.
Kahsia is showing bird images at the…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on September 12, 2019 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment
August 2019 minutes
Pierre was off gallivanting around the world somewhere so Avril opened the meeting in his absence. No new members but some old faces attended. Trudy Sloan stayed…
ContinueAdded by Avril Kirby on August 19, 2019 at 12:33pm — 2 Comments
Eclectic Visions:- Pierre announced the winners of the People's Choice Award.
Kahsia and Bruce McPhee tied for first place for their hummingbird and Deer (Taste Test) photos.
Kim Stewart came second for her Seahorse (the old tugboat) at Dawn image.
Simon came third for his 'On Guard' image of an owl blended into a rocky shoreline.
Wendy would like an image of each of these photos to include in her update of the Photofest website - showing…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on July 12, 2019 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments
Pierre welcomed the Club's newest member, David Tabb, who lives in California and Salt Spring - 6 months in each.
Photofest: - Wendy reported that all the venues and the photographers are on the Photofest website. Jana has worked on a map that is now up, showing the 35 participating venues. Pierre suggested that in coming years we could work on a passbook and a stamp. Everyone is encouraged to visit the sites.
Funding: - Judy, Jana, Avril, Anna, Derek and…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on June 14, 2019 at 10:00am — 1 Comment
I have some mats and frames that I"m not going to be using. All still in original packaging.
1) FCCH143: 16x20 /window size 11x14: 4 ply single mat warm white: $5.90-20% = 4.13
2) FCCH141: 14x18/window size 10x13: 4 ply double mat bright white: $ 8.30 = 6.64
3) FCCH2014: 18x24/window size 13x19: 4 ply digital mat warm white: $12.00 = 9.60
4) FCCH206: 14x18/window size 8.5x11: 4 ply single mat warm white : $9.00 =…
ContinueAdded by Elehna de Sousa on May 19, 2019 at 3:34pm — No Comments
Shows: Bernadette is showing mixed media work about the clear-cut logging that happened last year near Beddis Road, a subject close to her heart.
A bench to commemorate Bob Rogers was installed on the dock by the float plane shelter in Ganges. A small ceremony took place on the dock on Saturday and Photoclub members and Bob's uncle ate and drank and took photos of each other sitting on the bench. This bench will be much enjoyed by people who can now wait for their plane…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on May 14, 2019 at 8:48am — No Comments
Bob Rogers' family wanted a memorial bench to be installed somewhere on Salt Spring. The perfect spot has been found, down on the dock in Ganges where the sea-planes come and go. Bob used to love taking photos of these planes and now fellow photographers and travellers will have a place to sit in the sun while waiting for their plane ride or contemplating the perfect shot. Wendy has, of course, been instrumental in making this happen and it is going to be installed today, Thursday 9th, at…
ContinueAdded by anna mccolm on May 9, 2019 at 6:26am — No Comments
January 2019 minutes
Newish member, Shauna Ringquist, joined us for the second time, having come to the Christmas party. She has jumped in with both feet, having two photos up in the…
ContinueAdded by Avril Kirby on January 14, 2019 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments
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