Pierre welcomed Emma, a German student from Stuttgart, who had come with Jan Steinman to the meeting.
Shows: Pierre is still showing photos at Embe Bakery sandwich shop and asked if anyone would like to replace him. There is room for 5 or 6 11" x 14" framed photos. Please contact Pierre if you are interested; pierre.mineau2@gmail.com
The Group of Six are showing their work at Fernwood Café with an opening on Sunday Nov17th from 2pm - 4pm. Everyone is welcome.
Nirmal Dryden is showing 3 large photos at Country Grocer coffee shop for November.
Avril Kirby is part of Gallery 8's annual 'Exhibition of Small Works' that starts on November 22nd. There will be an opening that night from 5pm - 8pm.
Photofest had a meeting to discuss whether the festival would be annual or bi-annual. At the moment it is annual as they are preparing another one this year in June. Kahsia will be in charge of Eclectic Visions this year.
The Arts Guilds are having a show at Mahon Hall during the May long weekend with work from the 5 Salt Spring Guilds; Weavers and spinners, Basket makers, potters, painters and photographers. Each guild will pay $300 towards the show and Pierre suggested we take the stage as there will be lots of hanging space there. Bernadette volunteered to co-ordinate the show. One person from each guild will be present during opening hours so if you are going to show a photo be prepared to sit for a shift. No definite deadline for entering has been set yet but the general feeling was for at least a month before the event. The May long weekend will be May 16th,17th and 18th. and hanging will take place on the 15th. Depending on the number of participants (and twelve people put their hands up at the meeting) the entrance fee could be around $15. The Arts Guild will take a 35% commission so factor that into your pricing. The Arts Guild is looking for a treasurer for the event.
It is a busy weekend on the Island with a soccer tournament and a 'Round Salt Spring' sailing race. Your work should be current and 'Not For Sale' photos are discouraged as this is a sales event.
The club could have a poster advertising the Photofestival in June. There could be pamphlets available to advertise the club. Nobody has actually stepped up to take on these tasks on - so if you'd like this rewarding challenge please contact Pierre.
Kahsia suggested The Indian Reserve at the end of Menhinick for next week's Photowalk. Meet at Beaver Point Hall at 2pm (for carpooling down the road )on Tuesday 19th.
The club is looking for speakers and themes for the educational part of the meetings. Please pass on any suggestions to Pierre.
Jana asked if the club was interested in another bagging session at Country Grocer (a good fundraiser) as she will likely be contacted between now and Christmas. The consensus was Yes. Please consider doing this; the shifts are only 2 hours long and it is very social and interesting experience. This time the money raised (around $350) will go towards Photofest.
The educational part of the meeting was watching two of Larry's DVD's by a National Geographic wildlife photographer, Steve Winter. He specialized in wild cats.
We watched Mood photos - last month's theme.
Next month's theme is 'Wildlife in your back yard'. Substitute that tiger for your cat and that Impala for a Salt Spring deer.
Missed the meeting. Thanks for your minutes.
© 2025 Created by Wendy Rosier.
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