Salt Spring Photo Club
Minutes/Newsletter December 2024
A strong turnout at the Library Programme room came to socialize, eat delicious goodies and a8end a shorter-than- usual meeting. Members of the Photosynthesis group were a welcome addion.
Pierre will show photos in January.
March and May are still available. Please let Judy know if you are interested. (
Avril is showing two of her photos at Razali's 'Small Works' show for December.
Andy Doyle-Linden - A photographic collection celebrating the enthusiasm, talent and joy of Salt Spring Musicians - is showing works right now in the ArtSpring Lobby. Seth recommends!
Jan. 7th - Feb 4th.
Wendy will send out more information soon. Please let her know asap if you plan to be in the show. Contact her ( by December 30th with the names, prices, contact info etc. of your photos.
Landscape photos from club members will be displayed in March in the Library Programme Room. Claudia will contact people individually when she has made her selections - showcasing Canada from coast to coast. She says it will be a wonderful show!
Prints are to be ready no later than Jan 30th to give her time to prepare her talk. Howard has kindly offered 20 black frames so the show will have a
uniform look. John de Bruyn has kindly offered to print photos for a nominal fee, around $10. The frames are 14" x 20".
The show will be hung on March 1st followed by an opening evening with a talk by Claudia.
This will be a Zoom meeting and Judy would like to talk about the Club. What direction would we like it to go in? Who would like to take on executive positions? Who is interested in organizing the Eclectic Visions show next year? This could be a shared position so it is less daunting.
Annual club membership fees are due by the end of January. Contact Pat with your $30 payment. (
Also Zoom. Richard Mayer will give a talk on long-exposure photography. The club does not have access to the library room in September so we will need a venue for that night. Margaret suggested the SS Farmland Trust venue on Baker Road as a possible meeting place.
The challenge theme for next month is FOG.
John de Bruyn gave a talk about the photos currently in the library programme room - a show he is sharing with his good friend Stephen Morris. Both men are physics professors and their interests revolve around patterns found in nature. John went on to show us the photos he has been taking of house numbers all over the Island and how he has woven them together into composite images, one in the shape of the Island itself. That one had 111 layers. He then started taking photos of dwellings that did not have house numbers (people living in vans etc.) and incorporated those images into his collages, thus including the fringe Saltspring population..
Have a Great and Wondrous Holiday Season and Feliz Navidad!
© 2025 Created by Wendy Rosier.
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