SaltSpring Photography Club

             Newsletter for Feb 12 2025

Country Grocer:

Next month, March, will be Ellen Vesterdal, Elehna de Sousa and a photo from Bob Rogers, theme of old cars on display.


Claudia's 'Canada’s Polar Landscapes: Memories of a Geologist Lobby Exhibition' is on at ArtSpring lobby until March 4th.  Please have a look, it is very impressive. If you would like to hear Claudia talk on her images Meet with Claudia at 10:00 on Thursday, the 27th of February, ArtSpring Lobby.


Canadian Landscape update:  Hanging on March 1st, at 9:30 ,  Talk on the following Saturday March 8th, 7pm. They will be framed next Tuesday with Howard.


Save a tape: Anna would like to thank everyone who contributes to the save a tape program box #62.  She just sent off the tapes and paperwork and we will get a cheque for

$284.45, the biggest yet.


North Shore Challenge: Gala is March 1st, 7pm via zoom. If interested to watch - tickets are $10  https://nsps.ca/challenge-2025-gala-event-ticket-purchase/


BC/Yukon zoom meetings schedule

https://nsps.ca/bc-yukon-inter-club-speaker-series-2024-25/ NEXT Month's talk

March 7th, at 4:30 pst Kas Stone: Making Meaningful Photographs.

must pre register with the https://nsps.ca/bc-yukon-inter-club-speaker-series-2024-25/    ; enter Salt Spring Photography Club

no charge to members.


Royal British Museum: Wildlife of the Year starts Feb 14th - April 27th

Eclectic Visions update:

We have our student this year - Greg Evans - the youth that won our prize at the Fall Fair.

I was given 2 canon rebel cameras for students and Greg will be taking one of them, to help him with his photography. the other camera I will give to the high school.

Ordered 100 wine glasses from the Legion.

Robert from Country Grocer has gladly accepted to donate wine and a $200 gift card.


We might have to get a server for the night. He might not be available. Anyone have serve it right? Judy will ask Zena from the gallery to see if she is available.


Wendy, Avril, Anna, Bernadette, Patricia and Judy will be meeting sometime soon to go over the logistics of Eclectic Visions.


Reminder that Gabrielle Jensen of Gulf Island Picture Framing is offering club members 25% off of framing and 10% off of other framing needs for the month of April. Above Gallery8 in Grace Point Square


EV location - enquired about rental at ArtSpring for the EV show - they had June 10 - 24 available . As this was very close to ours, it didn't seem the right time for this year.

If we are interested in next year we would need to inquire soon to save dates. Early July would be preferable, as the Photosynthesis group has their annual show last two weeks of August and we wouldn't want to have the two shows too close.

If this is something someone would like to take on and organize, please contact Judy. Discussion - having less events in the summer months mean less traffic in ArtSpring. Would need to have good promotional material to attract people to make it to the show.


Tourist info Centre:    contacted the club regarding our slideshow for their monitor at the centre. Judy gave them our latest one from 2022.


Richard Mayer shared his photos on long exposure and explained on how he turned a dark image in light room.  Darkness to Light, tips and tactics when chasing the light during challenging lighting conditions.


March 12th meeting over Zoom we will continue with David de Chemin "Shoot what it feels like' episodes 4 and 5


Theme for next month:  Boats, ships, or anything that floats on water.


Mobile Phone Photography:  For those interested in Mobile Photography https://www.creativelive.com/photography? via=site-header_0


Intro to mobile food photography - creative live cost is $14 for class Basic processing for mobile photography creative live $14


How to capture landscapes with your iphone - watch free with creative live 9 minutes

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