Cliff Kelly's Blog (98)

Yacht Race Photo Shoot

DON"T FORGET!! - The annual Round SaltSPring Island Yacht race starts at 10:00 AM tomorrow and can be viewed from many places. It starts in front of the Yacht CLub at 10:00 AM but there  is great viewing (and shooting) at Fernwood dock about 4 hours later (depending on thwe wind).

Added by Cliff Kelly on May 18, 2012 at 11:09pm — 1 Comment

Photo Shoot Plans

April 26, 2012

I have agreed to try my hand at coordinating some Photo Shoots in the near future. Our first Target” shoot is at the Raptor Center in Duncan. Curt has made an on-site visit and given them my name for contact but before I proceed any further I really need to know which of our members might be interested in this kind of activity.  In addition I will then need to know when the interested parties would prefer to attend – Weekdays or Weekends. I have asked around a little…


Added by Cliff Kelly on April 26, 2012 at 11:43pm — 2 Comments

Request from SARS

I received a message from SARS about the photos I geave them from our "Shoot" of their exercise on March 10. I have forwarded the message to Curt and some  other members but  if any of you that were there would like to forward your images please keep on the look out here and at meetings for more info about how to get the photos to them.

Added by Cliff Kelly on March 22, 2012 at 11:31pm — No Comments

Country Grocer Update

Having tried another location for this material and getting rejecterd I hope this information is printed.

There are three exhibition dates remaining for the Country Grocer Shows. May, August, and October. Today Margaret Benmore contacted me and reserved the six available images in the October show so we now ony have two months that are not spoken for - May and August. Interested parties for those two months please let me know. Each one of our months there are spaces for 6 photos and…


Added by Cliff Kelly on March 1, 2012 at 1:53pm — No Comments

Photo Op at Churchill Cove

The annual gathering of Scoters (and other water birds with them) for the herring season has started today. There is a flock of over 100 birds in the bay now and they usually stay or abour four to six weeks. The best vantage point would be towards the point because they don't come in very close to the he enclosed area of the cove but they are quite colorful and they usually attract a crowd of seagulls who are also interested in Herring eggs.



Added by Cliff Kelly on February 23, 2012 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Photo-Op for waterbird watchers

About five days ago a flock of ducks (they appear to be mostly widgeons)flew into Churchill bay and are still here. hey are quite immobile (as they somemtes get in very cold weather) but still swimming about browsing. I just noticed that there are also quite few other water birds - Mergansers, Buffle Heads, Golden Eyes, etc. in the vicinity. We have a bright sun at the moment, which should keep them here for a while. I would say this sighting should be good for about 3 hours or more for…


Added by Cliff Kelly on January 12, 2012 at 9:53am — 1 Comment


Shortly after I arrived here a very prominent club/association of artists - who had been quite active and supportive to the community - just kind of folded up and ceased to exist. I thought it  was very sad and really a shame but the underlying cause was that there was no more ability within the group to accomplish the very necessary administrative tasks required to keep any organization - any "group" of people - functioning together. I was recently polled to see if I would be interested in…


Added by Cliff Kelly on January 5, 2012 at 4:40pm — 2 Comments

Merry Christmas To All

Wishing all our members a very Merry Christmas.Looking forward to another year of paticipating and learning from all of you. 2011 has been a year of discovery and learning - and sharing our passion witih everyone - which shows the whole community the value of membership in our active group. 

Added by Cliff Kelly on December 23, 2011 at 6:25pm — 2 Comments

Light Workshop

he first time the lighting workshop was mentyioned I entered my name the very first day. I have never seen a listing since but I knew I was on the list. I am not on the list?


Well if the work shop is presented again I would hope to attend that and will try to put my name in again.



Added by Cliff Kelly on October 29, 2011 at 11:06pm — 1 Comment

Commments not printing on screen.

I have left two comments on the photo comment screen for Dougs Picture. They do not appear when I click add comments. My picture and ID show up but my written comment  does not appear. Is anyone else having that problem,?

Added by Cliff Kelly on July 1, 2011 at 11:45pm — 2 Comments

Activity in Churchill Cove

Some of our members asked me to let them know when the Scoter flock shows up. They are usually a March arrival - their mian objectiive is the Herring Spawn - and I don't know if that is happening but the Scoters arrived yesterday. I  got one shot this morning with 100  birds in the flock - and there are more.


There has been an unusual  amount of activity in the cove in the past few weeks with large numbers of both kinds of golden eyes, mergansers and a significant number…


Added by Cliff Kelly on February 24, 2011 at 11:40am — 1 Comment

MAerry Christmas & Happy New Year

I want to wish all my new found friends and fellow/gal photographers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Since joining about a year ago I have had the distinct privilege of meeting and sharing photographic knowledge and experience with some of the finest photographers I have met. The attitudes and commitment of all the members has been exemplary and of the highest quality and I am humbly delighted to be in your presence. 

Added by Cliff Kelly on December 23, 2010 at 10:56pm — 2 Comments

WorkBoat Schedule

Please forgive the misinformation about the flotilla parade time. In the past the newspaper printed it but they did not this time and I was just trying to recall from past experience. At least my time mentioned was early and anyone there might have seen that they had not started yet, but that they were preparing to. Also - I hope interested parties made it on Saturday - it was a beautiful day for photography there and I got number of nice images and noticed many people with cameras, although…


Added by Cliff Kelly on September 26, 2010 at 10:28pm — 1 Comment

Photo Op 2

Thought I had included the time for the boat parade. It starts about 10:00 AM. If you are in the area you can tell when it starts because the lead boat is usually a large tug which gives quite a few steam whistles as the flotilla starts. I have been watching this event for about five or six years and it looks great on a camcorder also if you happen to have one - of course a lot of the newer digital cameras have the movie feature included. Three years ago this group voted to have Ganges be the… Continue

Added by Cliff Kelly on September 25, 2010 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Photo Op

Just a reminder for a Great Photo Op this weekend. It is the annual "Work Boat Festival" with over 60 boats of that class. On Saturday many of them will be tied up to the local docks and have "Open House" from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM and they are very colorful, interesting and photographable. At the same time most of the boats in the harbor will be "at their best" and there is a festive air - last year a local crab boat was having a great time selling crab..On Sunday, as their finale - they form a… Continue

Added by Cliff Kelly on September 24, 2010 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Posting Response

Thank you Adrian for the quick response - I didn't thnk to look at the forum because I didn't think tt was a Forum issue, but next time I'll look both places. It was gratifiying to see that the quiestioin gave others a chance to add their comments. I would think some kind of "scheule" set up mentioned by Ernie might be appropriate - especially as we will be having more activities.

Added by Cliff Kelly on September 9, 2010 at 12:08pm — No Comments


Wondering if it would be possible for a reminder to be posted (as a blog perhaps) to which week we should be submitting images to Adrian for the Coffee company. I was in there today and was disappointed (of course) because I had nothing showing. Maybe I'm the only one who missed out, but a little nudge would sure help - until I (we) get used to it.

Added by Cliff Kelly on September 8, 2010 at 11:07pm — 3 Comments


Must give congratulations to all the club members on the wonderful photo show you put on. As one of the newest members and not a show participant - I only echo the wonderful accolades the club received in the Driftwood Newspaper yesterday. The initial write up before the show talked about how the members are united in a common love of photography and a willingness to share their knowledge, ideas and expression in the medium - which is probably the goal ststement of the…


Added by Cliff Kelly on June 3, 2010 at 12:45pm — No Comments

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