Photo Club Minutes
November 8, 2017
My apologies... but life/time have been blasting by at warp speed... in a good way mostly... so the notes slipped under incoming things to do... MCB... sorry G&C... lots of hugs...
Opening: Another amazing turnout... there must have been 35-30 friendly folks... the room was a humming and lots of new faces... and young faces too... it was great...
New Members: Lois, sorry didn’t catch the last name, Terry Curell, Karen Olender Kipmis, Karen Hroch
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your work... show us what you can do... and Participate, Participate, Participate... The club is all about sharing experiences and information... Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you with your photography or life on the island... welcome... come on out and play... and learn...
Announcements & Current & Upcoming Club Member Shows:
Country Grocer Café: Sylvia Beech is showing her work “Pride” in the café it is a delightful through the Pride of SaltSpring... colourful and high spirited and full of fantasy... great palette... ... thanks for sharing Sylvia...
Gallery 8: “ Exhibition of Small Works” a wonderful collection by SaltSpring artists small is beautiful and small is interesting... Opening Nov 24th..
Fernwood Café: Photo Club’s Greetings to the Island... it is about sending beauty, colour, humour, spirituality, multi-cultural...out across the island and out into the universe... all very SaltSpring... It is lively, fun and very interesting... thanks all who
Pemberton Holmes: Judy McPhee is showing her beautiful work in the boardrooms ... lots of traffic through there over the year... great place to hang...
Festive Fernwood: The Photo Club will be collecting images to do an installation at Fernwood Café... one of our favourite venues “Festive Greetings” from our club members... let’s send out our heart to our fellow islanders and visitors... and the rest of the world... and celebrate the Festive...
To participate bring your contribution to Fernwood Café at 3:30 – 4:30 Saturday December 9... any size from teeny to semi huge, well large’ish... any one or two/person... this is very free form and offers an opportunity for creative hanging...
We will be hanging Sat as things are coming in... so if you want to help with that stick around... it is always fun... If you can’t make it at that time give your work to a friend to bring along or drop it of with me...mcb
The opening will be on Sunday December 10, 3-5... gather and share the warmth, a warm cappacino/tea and nibblies... enjoy the hugs...
Monday Coffee Photo Klatch: is the huge uber booth at Penny’s (Golf Course) at 10’ish +... Come on out and get to really “know” your fellow club members... some of them even talk camera, photography, art, community stuff... great folks and lots for great advice, help and stories...
ArtSpring Lobby Show: Jan 8 – 30th... This year the show theme is “ Experimental ”... oh does that tickle your creative taste buds... Lets show the World what we can do with Experiment... So many Definitions of experimental... So many Outcomes are possible... Let’s make it dramatic, vibrant and there is beautiful tranquility and quiet in other experiments... The personalities and thoughts of the Artist unveil... Come on out and participate... it’s big space... so dare... It’s fun to see a piece of your own work hanging in a public space... It gives you and others a very different perspective of the work... don’t be shy... Wendy Rosier and elves will be sharing the rules and regs and ETA stuff... details details... watch the emails and website...
Club Elections: will be held at the January 10 meeting... so nominate or volunteer for the assortment of positions... step up and participate in taking the club in wonderful new directions... grow it...
Club Website: I would like to encourage all club members to take part in the conversations on the website --- they are interesting and endlessly informative… Share your pictures with the club on the site – you know we all love to look at images and it would give us a chance to get to know a little bit about you … Let’s participate… I think the website is the clubhouse of the former generation... so lets make virtual chatter and exchange ideas, opinions and news...
Guest Visit from Photo Synthesis... Seth Berkowitz and Alane Lalonde brought a wonderful idea to the Club... they were wondering if our Club would like to join forces with Photo Synthesis whom they were representing to develop a Photography Festival (?) on SaltSpring... a month long photography event, a come-to event for visitors and locals... It would feature members of both organizations as well as others in the SSI community... Bring together: shows, galleries, features, workshops.... A focus on SaltSpring Photography in all it’s wonderful ways... It is an exciting idea and offers all sorts of opportunities... Sorting out the organizational details, logistics and finding people interested in taking it on... Oh so many things to think/talk/workout... but a wonderful idea to think about...
Guest Presenter: “ Portraiture” a Look Back... Seth Berkowitz... What a fun gallop through some wonderful portrait photographers of yesteryear... Their techniques, tricks, subjects and interests... It was a lovely show of strong iconic images... thanks Seth for the treat and the conversation... you are delightfully informed and presented it beautifully...
Evening Show/Challenge: “ INSPIRATION “ It never ceases to amaze me at how creative our Club is are with a concept... they deliver such wonderful interpretations of the theme... strong work...
It was a great show... go to website to do a rerun Slideshow November... it is lovely seeing it again in the comfort of my own computer... enjoy
Up Coming Meetings: will feature: January 10th Micheal Wall: Febuary 14th Greg Constantine and Jennifer... a artist in residence at SaltSpring Schools/man about the island... you can check them both out online... I think you will find we are delighted and priviledged to have them coming to address the Club... so come on out learn and participate...
Next Meeting: December 13, 2017
Lion’s Club 7:00 pm
The challenge: offered by our guest speaker Seth Berkowitz “ Boundaries”... So stretch your boundaries around that
my dearies !!!!
Our Island offers many things/people/places all pushing at boundaries in a multitude of ways and areas.. The subject is only limited by your imagination/creativity... Have fun with it... Drop your Boundaries... Challenge yourself... take it out there...
Editorial aside: If you have any comments, corrections or additions please feel free --- all help is welcome…
Thanks for your patience & understanding...
Cheers... MCB
Thanks Marg, cheery as usual!
Thanks. BTW what do we do for labels?
© 2025 Created by Wendy Rosier.
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