Photo Club Minutes
Jan 11,2017...
Wow... where did all these folks (35’ish) come from... I walked into a room that was buzzing... lots of new faces... lots of conversation and laughter... lots of old friends too... it was wonderful...
Make 2017 wonderful for you and those around you...
Meeting/business/housekeeping part was presented by our esteemed President Wendy Rosier...
Firstly she welcomed some new members to this fun group of folks... Bob MacKie and Budd Stewart...
While fact checking just now ... I found whole bunch of folks I didn’t recognize...
You have joined a very welcoming, sharing group of people with buckets of knowledge about any aspect of photography you can think of... If you want to know something about photography just ask... There is someone in this club who will be able to help you... Just ask... Welcome ... we are looking forward seeing you at the meetings, workshops, show, hearing you through the website and seeing your images... come on out and show us what you can do...
What makes the Photo Club the way it is you might well ask... It is the active participation by people just like you.... So come on out... play with us... Work with us to keep the club vital, spirited, growing and interesting... Help us to gather as friends who share an interest in photography... help to keep the club purring along for the benefit of us all and the community...
New location... due to renovations at the Harbour House the club will need to find a new meeting place for at least a couple of months... You will be notified of the change of location by email...
Doug McMillin needed to two strong men to help him dismantle the Clubs Screen and frame from the HH wall... the task was done by many strong men right after the meeting... good work guys and thanks...
Annual fees are due... $30.00 please give it to Pat Page our ever diligent Treasure extraordinaire... Best entertainment on the SaltSpring at that price...
Shows running around the island...
ArtSpring Main Lobby area... The Photo Clubs annual Winter show... it was hung by a wonderful team of Maggie Aggiro, Judy McPhee, Wendy Rosier and many other volunteers... Thanks to you all... it is beautiful... The Driftwood had a wonderful article covering it... The show has some amazing work by your fellow members... Be sure to drop by before Jan 31... treat yourself... it is a wonderful show with a great range of work... well done all of you who made it happen...
Country Grocer Café... is presently showing the amazing work of Colton Prevost... stop by and check it out...
Roasting Company: now has two exhibition areas, the main shop and a new hallway, entry wall space... It is a great space for giving an up close and personal viewing... a more participatory viewing... Thanks to Ross who stick handled the creation of this space... and thanks to SaltSpring Roasting Company for encouraging the arts in our community... Judy McPhee and Maggie Argiro for opening the space with their beautiful work... a beautiful way to christen a new space... Drop by and check it out... word is the coffee, treats and now photos are worth the trip... enjoy...
Educational Section:
Photo finishing Options: Doug McMillin mounted an amazing educational display of various photo finishing/printing technologies or methods... It enabled us to see the differences between the many options available fairly readily...
The display shows a variety of papers and printing options... it also showed some of the more novel things available like: canvas, wood, metal, acrylic... Doug shared with us briefly... the pros and cons of each... as well as what the visual strengths you can build on... I am sure Doug will be more that willing to share his finding with you if you ask... he is that kinda guy...
Thanks Doug... what a great job... it was so clear and simple and informative...
Night Photography was the topic of Bob Roger’s discussion... as always he presented in an informed relaxed way with a love for his subject... Bob is a master of night photography... his images of downtown Ganges are full of a deep feeling for the place and the way it breathes and sings... it is a living, resting organism... Bob had many hints for us... first of all be Safe... be seen ... dress for the event... this is a mission... However Bob pointed out you can easily do it with the simpliest of point and shoots and the most complex camera you can find... The point is have the camera there, have a system to brace it steadily... Rain is good... great effects and reflections, mood... go out in the Weather and play... it offers endless possibilities... Bob also demonstrated some beautiful work done in a theatre setting... dress rehearsals are the best time for shooting, it allows you great lighting and also closer proximity to the stage/action... Photography during a performance is strongly prohibited... as it can be very distracting for the performers, technicians and the other audience members...
Thanks Bob for another interesting presentation... well done and we are looking forward to next months pre meeting Night Photography walk-about and pointers... Time and place to be posted on the Website... remember it has to be after dark... so bundle up and lets go play in the dark...
Next months Challenge: “Night Shots...” well now... what can you do with that... what do you see in the dark... what do you feel in the dark in different settings... how do you make the dark pop with colour... how do you use the mystery of the dark... rural/urban... nature/man-made.... see what you can do with night shots...
Evening Slideshow... Last months challenge was Travel... a pretty open ended subject for people on this island... The show (available on the website to review) incorporated local travel, international travel, travel food, cultures, high Art, architecture... adventures, and natural scenery that must be seen to be believed... It was a wonderful show of images and the stories that accompanied them... some fun, some moving and others interesting and educational... what a wonderful world we all travel through...
Next meeting: February 8... 7:00 P.M. Watch for an email or notice on the website... mystery location...
Don’t forget the shooting in the dark session before the meeting... again timing and location to be announced...
Thanks Marg for your chatty and enthusiastic minutes, as always!
up, up, and away we go.
© 2025 Created by Wendy Rosier.
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