
SSI Photography club

May 10, 2017



Meeting chair: Wendy Rosier


Announcement of new members:

We welcome three new members who have recently joined. They are: Nate Poetke, Ulana Switucha, and Seth Berkowitz


Current shows:

Sam Lightman: Sea Shells, at Art Spring.

Anna McColm: Country Grocer.


Eclectic Visions: Jana Zachariou

29 participants

Sitting schedule – please all sign up for a shift or two... if this needs to change please find

      your own replacement;  two people needed on Saturdays.

Hours: Fridays till 8 PM; may stay open till 8 PM on Saturday, June 24th if Tour des 

            Isles visitors are still coming in.

Invitation mail-out cards need addressing in a small work party coming up at Gallery 8.

Food for reception: Fifi is once again managing this. Thank you Fifi!! Please be prepared 

           to bring finger food.

Entry forms: are due to Jana no later than May 26... scan and send is best; include a



Education Facilitator:

       Ross McLeod has resigned as Education coordinator. His tenure brought us many new opportunities including planned photo walks, excellent presentations at our monthly meetings, and the instigation of special interest groups. We are exceedingly grateful for all he has done to enhance our knowledge and experiences around photography. 


Margaret Benmore has agreed to become the new Education “Facilitator” and requests your input/ assistance.


The Education session at our June meeting will be focused on our Eclectic Visions Entries. Each participant should be prepared to describe why you selected the entry, anything special about the image you would like for people to know, and details about settings, printing, framing, etc.  It is important that everyone sitting the show be at this meeting as this is where you will be learning what you need to be telling people as they come into the gallery.


Guest speaker: Howard Fry;

Howard is a retired Fashion Photographer and well known SSI islander/photographer who, among his many projects,  did the photo shoot for the famous Salt Spring Women’s Preserve and Protect calendar protesting the clear cut logging of our mountains. He  presented a series of his remarkable images, mostly in black and white, from three different photography projects he has done over the years... along with a some of the background stories from each project. Howard was shooting with a Nikon F using 28 and 22 mm lenses and often with a 25A red filter to achieve his dramatic sky and cloud effects  


The Vanishing Landscapes Project was shot in 1973 in an effort to capture on film the many landscapes and old buildings in the interior of BC that were rapidly disappearing. In a borrowed dark room, he used a hot bath developing process to achieve high contrast prints with brown metallic tints.  The B/W images are dramatic in their clarity and detail. 


The SS Women’s Preserve and Protect Calendar was patterned on a Women’s Institute calendar from the UK. A group of SSI women, staunch environmentalists all, posed nude in wooded areas of the island threatened by the logging operation. Funds from the sale of the calendar were used in the successful fight to stop the operation.  Now living on SSI, Howard built his own darkroom to develop these beautiful and creative images.    


The Salt Spring Artisans project was undertaken to document the many incredibly talented crafts people living on SSI at the time. It became a book, as did a later project focusing on the artists, writers and musicians of the island.


Howard has agreed to do another presentation in the future to share his photographic and developing techniques.


Next month’s photo challenge:

The theme for our member photo sharing next month is “Vanishing history of Salt Spring island”... go out and shoot some of our disappearing landmarks... or any old, historical subject you wish.


Respectfully submitted

Gwen McDonald


Views: 41

Comment by Avril Kirby on May 14, 2017 at 8:04am

Well done, Gwen. Thanks.

Comment by Curt Firestone on May 14, 2017 at 8:24am

Excellent minutes


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