SSI Photo Club
Feb. 8, 2012 - Minutes
1. Opening remarks:
Curt opened the meeting with the introduction of new members: Jennifer Shaw recently from N. Vancouver, Harold Bailey also new to Salt Spring thought he’d see what kind of folks hang out in the Photo Club (entertaining and interesting folks), and Ken Werneberg also from North Van but didn’t know Jennifer before tonight, they found out tonight that it is true - SaltSpring is the centre of the known universe after all.
2. Executive Report’ish :
We had a lovely meeting over tea & toast at Harbour House and discussed things administrative required to keep the Photo Club together…
One of the things discussed was the fact that we as a Club are getting lots of opportunities to display our work, either as a Club or as individuals. We felt that the Club per say really didn’t want to get into using Volunteers to do labour at all sorts of events… burns out volunteers and enthusiasm…. So we decided that the Club would take on the role of clearing house for information and it will be up to the individual club member to follow up on the leads and make their own arrangements for hanging/unhanging and manning show, etc. The Club would collect and solicit opportunities for members and the club…
So you will notice a new section on the Website that is entitled Opportunities… look there for upcoming show opportunities at various venues, contest opportunities, learning opportunities, publication opportunities… keep and eye on it … it may be your big break to stardom in the world of photography….
3. Executive Vacancies:
This is an opportunity for someone who wants to have fun with a great group of folks… I’m talking about the position of Education Coordinator… we would like someone to help set up the educational events for the Club..... Don’t worry you don’t have to think them up yourself, we have lots of ideas… but we would like someone to do the legwork of making it happen.
The other position that is vacant is for VP – here we are looking for someone to step in for Curt when he is away in March and Nov… and to be another voice at the Exec tea and toast meetings… it is not a huge job, but one that would greatly help us to keep the Club healthy.
4. Announcements/Opportunities:
Fernwood Cafe:
Jennifer is looking for people to fill her Photo wall with beautiful images for month long shows. Each show will be of about10 images, will have a month of display time with an opening coffee klatch opening… great opportunity in a lovely location…
Contact Jennifer Shaw or drop by the Fernwood Café – great coffee and cakes…
Velo Village: (Bikes)
Anna McColmn reports everything going well - (Don't forget the March meeting theme is bikes or bike related stuff… anything Bike/Velo)
Venues include:
a) TJ's Coffee House will be a hanging a bike themed selection of photos submitted by members of the club. Probably 5 or 6 photos - so get to Anna quickly if you want to show there.
b) ArtSpring will be the centre of the Velo activity and we have been invited to show on the walls of the main galleries... the floor space will be used for other purposes, but the walls will be blank and available... (June 19-26) great opportunities for us all... contact Anna or Curt for information.
c) Jennifer (as above) is looking for Bikey type images for the Fernwood Café wall for the period of mid June to mid July
Roasters Café: (Country Grocers)
Cliff Kelly will be managing the show at Roasters with the help of Avril, Wendy and Margaret
The first show in March will be Wendy and Cliff
May, August and October are open to anyone interested. The wall can handle about 6 photos. Contact Cliff or any of the others if you are interested.
Eclectic Vision 2012 (the Club's annual show at ArtSpring):
Will be from June 1-18 - this covers 3 weekends. It was decided that Bob Rogers will be the hanger for the show this year and his word will be final --- however he does need lots of helpers... so come on out and help -- it is fun... Stay tuned for details of timelines and assignments
Lady Minto, Fritz, Harbour House Slideshows:
Wendy Rosier reorts our next project, collecting Spring shots for a new slideshow/video to add to the Harbour House and Lady Minto monitors, we need horizontal (landscape) images with a Spring theme. They should be 1920 px x 1080 px at least and saved in high quality (100%) Jpeg file format. When you have something to send in, email Wendy at
Lady Minto Update:
We had a call of thanks from the Ladies Auxiliary and indirectly form the hospital for our photos. The nurses now are bringing some of their longer term patients to sit and watch the show for a change of scene - so thanks to all who contributed in the past.
Fritz Theatre Update:
The situation at the Fritz is not as good and something needs to be done shortly to either upgrade the images he is using or pull our photos from showing there because some are not showing well at all.
Harbour House Wall Space Opportunity:
Evidently if anyone one is interested in exhibiting their work on the walls of Harbour House (Lobby and Restaurant, I think) they should contact Nathan at Harbour House for details and information
5. Upcoming Educational Event:
Wed. Feb. 22,2012 - 7p.m. Treehouse downtown.
Simon Henson is facilitating another meeting of the Night Owls for a prowl in downtown Ganges. This time the focus of the evening will be “Motion and Light”. We will be meeting at the Treehouse at 7 p.m. even in the rain… that really brings out a whole new element to night light shooting … so hope for rain... For those of you who haven’t come out for one of these events… come on – it is educational, stimulating and you meet the nicest people – it’s good for the soul just to play outside with your camera… No pressure… just fun…
6. Suggestions for Educational Events ? :
Does anyone have any suggestions for future Educational events – so far we have had wonderful presentations and they are all very instructive and inspiring... If you have any ideas contact any of the Exec. We will point it in the right direction….
7. ArtSpring Lobby: show of the ‘ Best of the Best ‘–
Has been a roaring success, with lots of traffic and lots of people coming out to join the Club because they liked what they saw and felt that it must be a neat group of people who can put on a show like that… well done all who showed…. You did us proud.
8. Art Group:
Doug McMillin - Well isn’t this a fun corner of the website… under Groups – Non Photographic Art… here you will find another side of the club members, very interesting and illuminating.. and certainly very interactive…. Join the fun.
9. Next Meeting: Wed. March 14, 2012 - 7:00 pm - Portock Portable...
Bob Roger’s will be chairing the meeting. Simon will be chairing a panel on getting your work ready for showing… which is very timely considering all of the opportunities that are available to us…
The theme of the March meeting: “Bikes” in any size, shape, colour, action, still - let your imagination fly... remember the essence of bike..... This show is preparation for the various Velo shows and opportunities… Come out and strutt your stuff... it promises to be a great evening.
10. Febuary Evening’s Educational Presentation:
Ron Watts – from the Southend (formerly Toronto & Vancouver) presented a wonderful show of his work for a variety of magazines; Beautiful B. C., Enroute, West World, etc. He discussed his approach to photography, and demonstrated a variety of techniques for capturing scale, humanity and perspective. He talked of images as storytelling and demonstrated how a change in perspective can change the whole story. It was a wonderfully interesting and instructional event… Thanks Ron..
11. B.C. Museum slides:
Curt also did a brief presentation of 10 slides from the International Wildlife Photography Show that is presently at the B.C. Museum – until April 9th… What amazing pictures and this was only a sampling. It looks like a must see show for anyone interested in wildlife photography or just in good photography…. --thanks Curt for getting it for us.
If I have missed anything please feel free to add it on --- or make editorial comments... and corrections… this is a participatory sort of minutes… thanks..
Valentine for Photobugs....
Now get out there - play with your camera –
develop a relationship with it -
The more you do - the more fun it becomes…
... anon
Cheers… MCB
You do such a great job of the minutes.
I look forward to reading your minutes every month, Marg. Well done!
thanks for a great writeup.
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