Photography Club Minutes
August 13, 2014
1. Opening: Curt Firestone, El Prez… welcomed new member Chris Picard and invited him to come out an play with us…
2. Announcement: Curt then shared with those present his resignation from the position of President of the SaltSpring Photography Club after four great years… Curt stressed that he was really proud of the Club and its members, we have all grown a great deal and we have been very active and very inclusive… He feels strongly that it is time to let others take up the reins and move the Club to the next level… He also feels that a change in leadership will provide for a change in energy and direction… Curt assured us all that he will transition with the new President and that he will be supportive of Club activities as Past President and of course as an active participating member…
Curt also shared his pride in the Club for operating with no by-laws, very little formal structure and a giving to the community attitude - just a group of friends with a common interest… He is also very proud of the Clubs contribution to the slide shows at Harbour House, Fritz and the two stations at Lady Minto… we are giving to our community of our interest and talents… and it is making so many people feel better… we hear constantly from people who see them and enjoy them… thanks for Wendy for all her work on this project…
Curt graciously thanked the executive for their support, work and fun… it is a pretty neat group of wonderful individuals who happen to work very well together…
Personal Aside from MCB : I am delighted that Curt is finally stepping down as President… he needs to let us go a little bit… he needs to pull back and take care of himself and Gwen… and play a little more…
Curt has been an amazing President – I have worked with many volunteer organizations/executives during my life and I have never seen a President more dedicated to his job, more concerned about being fair, democratic and impartial… more concerned about his membership as a group and as individuals… As an Exec member I was privileged to work with him and watch him stick handle some very ticklish distasteful situations with great skill and fairness… and I also witnessed his pride in our little Photo Club… man does he ever crow about us… a lot !!!!
Curt’s wandering and talking to anyone anywhere about photography, photo legal issues, photo shows, photo clubs, photo trivia, applications has greatly enriched our Club… We have all benefited from his endless searches for things to bring to the club… Curt has orchestrated outings, arranged guest speakers out of mid air… managed endless shows with a supreme eye for detail, all the while reaching for Bigger and Better…
Curt has bedded and fed many, many of our guest speakers, he has arranged countless carpools… I sort of look at him as the Club Mom… Curt has challenged us and we have grown… He has been greatly responsible for our educational efforts… which have enriched us all, they have opened our minds, change our images and stretched us… made us better and more conscious photographers…
We all thank you Curt for all your hard work and driving force…
I look forward to playing with Curt as a participating Past President and of course as a playmate member for our future adventures….
Thank you Curt, you have been a joy to work with…
and a person that I have grown to love dearly…
Now lets play together….
Take care my friend…
Go enjoy EVERYTHING !!!!!
Cheers… MCB
Which leads logically to the next segment of the meeting:
3. Election: Chris Dixon, VP (bless his heart ) has bravely stepped up to manage putting together a nomination Committee to deal with the filling of the Presidental Position and any other vacant positions at the time of the election… We are due to have the election at the November 12… Chris would appreciate anyone who would like to give him a hand or has any suggestions for nominations for President… Come forward with some ideas, find someone who you think would be great in the position... let us know... How about yourself... It is a fun job and can take you (and us) in some wonderful directions... Contact Chris at
4. Now Showing:
Roasting Company: Avril Kirby is showing on the walls of the Roasting Company… it is a lovely show of some of her latest work with layering… that girl can do magic with layering…
I think the Roasting are playing old ones… there are some wonderful shots, and the names of friends keep flashing up there… well done all who are appearing
Embe’s Fresh Baked (Embe’s café) this is another collection of the work of Doug and Avril (Team Embe) and as always they are worth a side trip for goodies and coffee… Doug and Avril have an endless supply of great images --- but they would welcome anyone who would like to join Team Embe --- it is great exposure with another kind of islander ---
Have you ever noticed that each of the coffee shops ( Barb’s, TJ’s, Roasting Company, Talia, Fernwood, Fulford has it’s own following/culture and what each group has in common --- a very interesting study… hang out and then tailor your show to that audience… pick your favourite coffee culture… and just go for it…
Pemberton Homes Real Estate… Sept. 2 to Nov. 1 will be the work of Sylvia Beech and Margaret C. Benmore… this is a wonderful opportunity to share your SaltSpring images with people who are thinking of moving here… let’s just show them how wonderful it is is to live here, all the hidden waiting to be discovered…
Team PH welcomes new members, the Boardrooms are a fun place to share some of your Island images, if you are interested in participating please contact Avril or Margaret C. Benmore (MCB)
Fernwood Café:
Jen is booked for 2014, except for Dec/Jan --- MCB is orchestrating a winter festivity show and would welcome images from anyone who would like to share in the Spirit of the Season… Let’s (the Club) send a Happy Holidays, Best of the Season to the Island… Let me know if you are interested in contributing a framed image to the show… love to hear from you…
Jen is looking for people for 2015 – this is wonderful place to show your work the light is terrific and the goodies and coffee are pretty darn good too… and people really take notice of what is on the walls…
If you know of other shows in town… add them on to this blog or better yet post it on the event section of our website… Let us all know what you have found and enjoyed….
5. Call for Harbour House slide show…Wendy will be sending an email with the specs shortly… send in your great island images, lets stutt the island...
6. Bob Davidson Thanks… Bob Davidson wanted to thank Wendy, Gwen and Doug..for being so supportive and entertaining during his recent adventures with the Medical System… It is great to have you back with us Bob... always entertaining...
7. Educational Segment: Doug Wahlston presented on … How large can a print can you get from a Digital image… ??? That is the challenge Doug has set from himself… and WOW that challenge has taken him on a wonderful journey as is witnessed in the super large prints he has been producing: the Cougar, the Collector (at EV’14), and his seashore show at the Fernwood Café…
Doug’s supremely scientific mind was fun to watch juggling pixels, spinning endless wonderful equations, graphs, tables, alogrithms and all sorts of mysterious things… You can’t argue with his results… If this is an area that interests you I am very sure that Doug is the man to talk too… He is your GO TO man for BIG !!!!! Thanks Doug… that was fun and interesting and totally incomprehensible to this poor brain… but endlessly fascinating to think that people can actually think like you do… I really admire that…
8. Evening Show/Challenge… “BLACK & WHITE” … B&W presents and interesting challenge for Photographers… of course initially that was pretty much all there was… now it is seen largely as a somewhat artsy sophisticated type of Photography by some…
B&W challenges you to look at other components of the composition of your image, suddenly lines, textures and shadows take on a more active of a role… The evening’s show was a great collection of some striking images, some very expressive images showing aging, dignity and cute. Someone commented that B&W brought out the Soul of a picture… an interesting observation…. Architecture and landscapes provided a strong palette for the our photographers… some to the point of abstraction...
Good work all - it is always fun to see what people are doing… keep the work coming in to Doug --- our master of the Slideshow and Shifting Deadlines… Thanks Doug, you are just Super… Please have your pictures to Doug by September 8th midnight… he will be sending out reminder and nudges…
9. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 10,
Portlock Portable… 7:00 pm
10. The Challenge for next month:
“ Try Something New and Wild with Your Camera or your Photography “ Stretch yourself out of your comfort zone... play, experiment and show us what happens… have lots of fun… now remeber to keep it tasteful folks… What have you always wanted to do with your camera, your digital editing or just your own creativity being recorded... take it out there and then go one step more -just for the hell of it... Try it... and have fun... and remember to keep it tasteful folks, we have a sensitive audience at these slide shows...
11. Editorial aside: If you have any comments, corrections or additions please feel free --- all help is welcome…
I would like to encourage all club members to take part in the conversations on the website --- they are interesting and endlessly informative… Share your pictures with the club on the site – you know we all love to look at images and it would give us a chance to get to know a little bit about you … let’s participate…
Thanks for your patience...
Cheers… MCB
Margaret, Your "personal aside" about my term as presidency is a complete surprise. My presidency is the net result of a group effort by the entire club and by the executive. Each and every member has made the last four years special. Thank you.
Margaret, Just one addition here. There was a vote (passed) to continue proceed and work towards implementing the proposal for locating the 2015 Eclectic Vision show at Gallery 8. This will be a one year trial effort. At this time next year, the club will decide the location of the 2016 EV. There is a hold on the Art Spring Calendar for both years until such as final decisions are made. More information is available in the EV Debriefing Minutes.
Margaret your minutes are amazing!!
tongue tied !!!!!--- I don't think so... I'm sure it was more likely my omission than you ever being tongue tied... impossible... cheers my dear... MCB
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