Eclectic Visions 2014 Debriefing Mtg Minutes...

A meeting was held for the EV 2014 participants and worker bees before our August monthly meeting August13:  about a dozen folks attended and discussed some of the outcomes, suggestions for improvement and to hear the feedback for all sorts of sources...   the general consensus was that it was a wonderful show and very well received by those who saw it --- unfortunately attendance was very low this year...  A possible option for amending that problem was also presented and discussed --- it is outlined in these minutes... 

Eclectic Vision’ Debriefing

August 13, 2014


Quick Stats

  • Attendence         2013 = 900 (plus) attendees for a 10 day run

                                 2014 = 600 (plus) attendees for a 13 day run

  • July 1 – CANADA DAY – was a washout again this year…
  • 51 image showed by 26 participants
  • 3 wall pieces sold… and some cards and shrinks… but sales were down
  • after all expenses were tallied we had a Profit of $4.00 – Wow !!!   That was great…  We made a Profit and provided lots of fun for those that viewed EV, those who sat the show  and those who submitted work to the show…


  • Viewers were asked informally how they heard about the show… there was general agreement that we should formalize the survey for 2015 --- it would provide information for EV’s future promotional opportunities…
  • It was suggested that posters and handouts in the Market greatly helps to bring people into the show… they often don’t venture as far as ArtSpring on their own…


  • The numbering system for images and products employed this year made it easier for both accounting and the people handling sales at the desk… also for the EV exhibitors… good move all…
  • Bio’s express the photographer’s explanation of the where’s and why’s of the images they are displaying… it was also suggested sitter’s carry the bio book to the viewers if they seem to be particularly interested in a piece…


  • Hanging --- thanks to Bob and Wendy for doing such a great job… there was lots of room and people seemed to appreciate that --- good job kids…
  • There was discussion about the numbering of images (as they do in printmaking eg. 1/10) and signing… there was some concern about this as it means not using that image again once the maximum number (eg. 10) is reached… However numbering seems to imply: work of “Art”, Collectability, limited availability… no conclusive decision was made, it is up to the maker of the image as to how they want to proceed…
  • Kids:   there was some concern that small children cannot see the images and perhaps a special kids section hung with little people in mind…
  • there was also discussion of having demonstration, talks and such during the run of the show… some how engaging people more… Photo Synthesis tried this last year and did not get the attendance to make it worth the effort…


  • Storyboarding the steps related to the process of photography from shooting to the gallery wall… digital modifications, cropping, matting, framing,  etc… could be an interesting instructional display…


  • One big problem area for EV is  people who drop out at the last moment… 2014 had 36 people registered and plans were developed accordingly --- 9 or 10 people at the last moment dropped out– which caused much unnecessary reworking of the show layout, budgets, display specifications and loss of revenue to cover the costs of the show…   This will have to be resolved for future shows…   Space in any show is limited and this needs to be respected… If you speak for a space it is your responsibility to fill it or leave the space for someone else…




A Possible New Approach for Eclectic Visions…


Several factors coming together all at once has lead the Club Executive to consider new options for Eclectic Visions…

  • Drop in attendance
  • Getting viewers to come up to ArtSpring is a challenge
  • Very limited sales
  • ArtSpring’s new booking policies: re deposits and refundable deposits, a fiscal load the Club would have difficult meeting…


Curt has approached Gallery 8 in Grace Point Square about having the EV Show 2015 in the upstairs gallery and Razali Wahab     (Gallery 8  owner) has expressed interest in the proposal…

This is a new idea and something of an experiment for both Gallery 8 and the Photo Club… but could be a Win/Win for both... 

Approval to explore the Gallery 8 Option further was given by those attending the EV Debriefing and the August Club meeting…

Things have progressed a bit further since those meetings and here are some the details we have to date: 


  • The date for Eclectic Vision 2015 will be in June – the middle two weeks…


  • The gallery space will be the upstairs gallery directly ahead of you when you come up the stairs… There are some portable forms for the centre of the room which would expand the hanging space, should that be needed…
  • We will do our own reception as we have done in the past with the help of volunteers and food contributions…  “ Best Opening Food on the Island” … we will be able to use the kitchen area and balcony for the opening reception…  


  • Razali will hang the show, but will require some grunt workers… his method of hanging is more gallery style with multiple images sharing the space… not necessarily isolated linear single images which we have used in the past… so this will provide us with an interesting new look at how our work will show… Come on out – it will be lots of fun to see your work in this new space…
  • We will still require volunteers to sit the show during the   Gallery 8 hours…  10-5 Mon. to Sat. and 11-4 on Sunday…
  • We will be able to use Gallery 8 “ Visa” service in the same way we used ArtSpring… for sales
  • We will have access to Gallery 8 mailing list and e-mailing list… we will be responsible for printing and postage… Printing will be done to reflect the standards of Gallery 8


  • There may be a need to increase the operating budget for EV’15… to cover a few new costs that will be associated with this adventure… and the Exec is examining two options…

         1.  a modest $10 increase to $70/person…

         2.  The club could subsidize the extra costs


  • The gallery will hold a comparable number of images to ArtSpring… 50-60 images
  • There is a constant flow of viewers through the Gallery during a day… and it is easily accessible to those cruising downtown… Parking is relatively easy
  • There was also discussion about our goals for EV’15 --- are we a Show or a Sale or something of both…



At both the Debriefing and the Monthly meetings… there was a great deal of enthusiasm for this new Adventure for Eclectic Visions 2015… it will be interesting to see how it will unfold…


Thanks to all who helped, submitted, attended Eclectic Visions 2014… It was a wonderful show and many people praised our members for their vision and their creativity… well done all…

Great job Avril and her team… and what a team it was too…

Let us know what you think of this new options... we would like to hear from everyone... 



Views: 96

Comment by Avril Kirby on August 23, 2014 at 5:35pm

Well done, Marg.  Enjoyed both blogs--one correction.  Doug only is at Embe this time--he has a great collection of images involving separation (and trees).  I ran out of frames! 

Comment by Avril Kirby on August 25, 2014 at 1:56pm

Good points, Bob. But maybe we have to see this show as something separate from Gallery 8 and the standards Razali sets in his part of the building, in that we are renting space and have our own agenda to follow.  All we really want is a visible, accessible spot to show which will draw more people than Artspring typically has.

So, keeping all your good points in mind, I would suggest we look at this as a one-time experiment to see if the exposure we get is better, if everyone feels comfortable in the new venue and no-one feels intimidated. Or if, in fact, club members are possibly thrilled to be given this opportunity.

Also, knowing now how much work it is to organize one big show per year, I think two might be pushing it a bit.

Thanks, Bob, for thinking about this and offering your opinion.  I had the same thoughts re commercialism and what the club stands for myself, but I don't honestly feel that a one-year try-out will hurt us.


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