A Day in the Life of the Photo Club (and Salt Spring)

An opportunity to take part in one of Salt Spring's best-loved photo shoots has been offered to us all this year. Gail Sjuberg, of Driftwood fame, has asked if anyone would like to participate in "A Day in the Life of Salt Spring" which, this year, has been thrown open to us commoners.

The rules are as follows:

Thanks for your interest in the Driftwood’s 2012 Day in the Life of Salt Spring Island project.

The idea behind the DIL publication is to depict island life and activities within a 24-hour period.

We will accept photos taken between the hours of 5 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2012, and 5 a.m. on Thursday, June 21 only.

Preference will be given to images that show people doing something — anything — the activity doesn’t have to be an extraordinary one, as opposed to beautiful photos of flowers, for example. A number of factors go into choosing the final photos to be published, including a desire to have people of all ages well represented, how it looks on the page with other photos and its shape.

Please limit submissions to a maximum of 10 photos.

Photos should be sent in 300 DPI (at approximately 8X12 inches, or around 1 MB in size) colour JPEG or TIFF format. If you feel a photo plays best in B&W, you can certainly send a B&W version.

You will need to provide cutline information, including photo subjects’ first and last names, and the exact time when the photo was taken.

Model release forms should be signed by photo subjects, and will be provided to photographers before the shoot day.

Please note that no payment is involved — just a bit of fame and fun!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at 250-537-9933, extension 210, or send an email to news@gulfislandsdriftwood.com. I will be on holidays from June 2 to 15, but Sean McIntyre can field any questions you may have, and my email will be checked in my absence.

Gail Sjuberg
Driftwood editor

Views: 106

Comment by timothy gibbon on June 1, 2012 at 4:09pm

well well, commoners arise!

Comment by Curt Firestone on June 8, 2012 at 6:52am

Do you have to register in advance?

Comment by Curt Firestone on June 9, 2012 at 3:04pm

Driftwood says:

We normally like to have all the pictures as soon as possible after the deadline. I'd say two days (end of day June 22) is a safe bet. You can email your pictures, so long as they are high resolution pics. Alternatively, you can bring them in on a disk/usb drive and we can transfer them to our machines. 


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