SSI Photo Club
October 12, 2012 - Minutes
NOTE Once again the Photo Club Minutes are a participatory and evolutionary document --- I do strive for some semblance of accuracy – but the synapsis are not always that sharp…. So bear with me and if you have corrects, complaints, oversights --- or anything else you think should be added --- Go at it !!!! in the following comments --- it is all information for the membership and welcome…
Well transferring from Word to this Blog --- totally blew apart my beautiful formatting... so sorry about that... MCB
Everyone seems to be pleased with the efforts of the Club given the silent endorsement of no questions, no discussion or objections to any of the questions asked of those in attendance…. We can only assume all is well on the Island…
Sorry for the confusion on the location --- there seemed to be a bit of a SSI SNAFU --- but quick thinking and the church next door saved the day…. Sorry if we missed you… (Dave)
“ Photo Fest 2012 “ a Model and Portraiture Group of Vancouver Island will be holding a 2 day conference on SSI in Nov 24 – first 12 club members will receive invitations to be involved … (see the website for further details) Gregor Alan is the contact person on the island --- sounds like a lot of fun and a great learning opportunity…
Blue Door Framing Studio Opening…
Chris Dixon announced the opening of his new framing studio will be holding 2 Open Houses --- The first will be Oct 15 - 11 to 4 after Harbour House Coffee Klatch and the other will be on Saturday Oct 20 also 11 to 4: 121 Mansell Road – first house on the right…
Embe’s Bakery Café Avril & Doug Ltd. have once again mounted a show in this cozy venue much to the delight of the patrons… though I understand that they would prefer nice ducky pictures --- instead of the artsy stuff…. Good work guys… keep’em guessing…
Fernwood Cafe:
“Red Boots: Exploring the Farm” Kids participatory show by MC Benmore will be up until later this month…. Next month is TBA.
If you interested in showing in this lovely venue contact Jennifer Shaw or drop by the Fernwood Café – don’t forget the mac&cheese and other yummy treats…
Roasters Café: (Country Grocers) “ Hollywood Comes to the Salish Sea” by MC Benmore --- until October 31 --- this show comes with an invitation for you to go to the Aquarium in Sydney and a great lunch at Mary’s Café (by the back of the Airport – the industrial side) – great day out… your treat…
If you are interested in showing in this venue contact Cliff Kelly – he is probably interested in lining up participants for next years calendar – it takes about 6-8 images and can be a solo or combined show….
Penny’s Pantry:
Nirmal Dryden has a show there until Oct. 31 – large images full of good feelings… something good on the eye…
Penny’s is the newest venue to offer space to our Club members… Contact Penny for schedule information.
Barb’s Buns: Jen Holmes is mounting a Child focused show in November – to strut her stuff and introduce her new photography business --- Child Portraits/Photography…. Just in time for Christmas --- good luck with it all Jen --- you will be Great…
Gallery of Fine Arts:
TBA – Drop by and see what is there, it’s always interesting and stimulating …
Lady Minto, and Harbour House Slideshows:
Wendy Rosier will be putting out a call for Winter and Festive Images or whatever shots for a new slideshow/video to add to the Harbour House and Lady Minto monitors, we need horizontal (landscape) images. They should be 1920 px x 1080 px at least and saved in high quality (100%) Jpeg file format. When you have something to send in, email Wendy at
These are always appreciated by the patients, visitors and guests of both locations and do a great deal to develop the interest in SSI and to stimulate wonderful memories for those more familiar with the SSI…
Harbour House:
" A Part, Apart " Avril Kirby will be showing from Nov. 30 - Jan. 2. in the Dining Room. There will be about 20 images: B&W, colour, manipulated and non-manipulated, a mixed bag of all sorts of subjects. So it promises to be intriguing and thought provoking as Avril’s work always is… Treat yourself to a big bowl of homemade soup, a view of the misty harbour and enjoy Avril's show…
There is an opportunity for anyone interested in exhibiting their work at Harbour House (Lobby and Restaurant) they should contact Tania Aquilia at Harbour House for details and information
Roasting Company: this month’s slide (Fall Outings) show will appear at some venue sometime (yet to be determined) before Christmas… How SaltSpring is that for commitment. Due to technical difficulties at the Roasting Company - Doug and Curt are looking for a new venue so stay tuned – any ideas welcome.
ArtSpring Annual Lobby Show: Bob Rogers and Wendy Rosier are going to be organizing the Annual ArtSpring Lobby show for the Photo Club --- this is open to all – 2 images per person --- though you can submit 3 and it might get hung if there is room available… Hanging will be on Jan. 2 – please have the tag information: title, photographer and whatever else you might want on the itty bitty card…. to Bob by Dec. 15. Don’t forget that time is needed to produce the itty bitty tags and there is that small detail of holiday time --- very busy for Bob and Wendy and everyone… thanks for your consideration… we would love to see you all out there --- This Show is much viewed and appreciated - especially by the locals - it's our show for them…
Exchange visits with the Cowichan Photo Club: this saw the Cowichan Club come to SSI and our Club go to Cowichan --- by the comments from the participants of both clubs it sounds like it was a resounding Success….. Everyone had fun, got some exercise, recharged the creative juices and the photography coming out of the trips are great --- beautiful fall trips… well done all who were involved as organizers, drivers, hosts and participants…. Nice to see such a great turnout….
There was discussion of more of these exchanges and it was decided that we would put them forward and decide on a case by case basis --- for the more formal ones…. However see below for more informal opportunities….
Intra Club “ Share the Experience” - There is something new coming to the Webpage --- individual mini informal field trips… It was suggested that if anyone is going on a photo hunt --- to a beach, on a walk, to a park --- to the farms, abattoir, hair salon or model session, or a small group to go to the aquarium or raptor centre or anywhere else that interests you…. Just post it with time, date and place ---- if you want company --- Other members will be responsible for getting in touch with you to make arrangements…
Eclectic Visions 2013 – (June 28 – July 13). Good news we have scored the Canada Day long weekend for 2013 and 2014. Hanging this year will be on June 27th, the opening reception will be June 28th and the show is up until July 13. Watch the website for further information starting in Jan. 2013.
See above “Photo Fest” opportunity…
It has been suggested that we try to arrange a session on giving constructive critiques --- to enhance our slide shows. We would like the photographer showing to identify any challenges they had, what they found interesting,.. we are looking for meaningful viewing… thanks just pats on the back… Though don’t forget those they always feel soooo good…
Miksang Workshop – Jan 12-13 – presented by George Blackwell of Victoria. Bob Rogers is Chairing the organizing group for this workshop – so watch the website for details… The workshop limit is 20 participants – and will be open to Club members first at $50, if not all spaces are sold invitations will be given to other non member island photographers at $80. This promises to be a wonderful workshop that will sharpen your inner photographer – it was described as the Haiku of Photography, or the Zen of images --- it is about simplifying… see you there!!!
6. Next Meeting: Wed. November 14. 2012. 7 p.m. Portlock Portable –
The theme: New Door/New Preception’s - a continuation of Jonesi’s presentation about looking at things from a different perspective… - take yourself on a photo adventure – do something that you have always wanted to try --- shoot something out of your comfort zone, stretch the imagination and see where it takes you…
If you usually do nature, try people, machinery, buildings. If you usually shoot in the morning --- try night shots, take a chance and stretch those creative muscles…
The educational Component will be a continuation of the participatory session with Jonesi on New Doors/New Perspectives
Forward your 2 images to Doug as soon as possible so he can work at his leisure in the summer heat….
7. Evening’s Educational Event: “ Documentary Photography an Artists Interpretation “ by Jonesi
Jonesi presented a great session on Documentary Photography and the adventures that you will experience by following the path where it leads you rather that forcing it or planning it… It was fun this month to explore images and adventures anew, familiar images in foreign places, exchanges photo adventure ( who knew our fearless Prez was so chivalrous. )
8. Evening’s Member’s Show --- “ Fall Outings ” …. Well what a show --- beautiful images starting off with amazing images of Grizzilies fishing up Bute Inlet, there were Turkey protraites – pre dinner, fall leaves, Cowichan field trip shots…. And lovely and full show…. Remember to look for it somewhere on the island sometime before Christmas (see Roasting Company posting above) --- First Club member to report a siting will win and undisclosed and yet to be determined prize…
Thanks Doug, Gord, et al for overcoming some of the techno glitches things looked much better…. Understanding you are looking for some more permanent solutions and those options will be brought to the membership at some future date…. Good Luck and thank you for your efforts – we all appreciate it…
Now is the time of mists, fogs, all those lovely soft images.... or indoor exploration... Don't forget the adventure that Photography can take you one --- Explore something new, enjoy the journey .... but most importantly have FUN....
Cheers… MCB
Hi Doug --- sorry I thought I made it clear that it was a continuation of Jonse's work - though all could participate just for the fun of it.... thanks for the note.... cheers... MCB
thank you Margaret.
Be the minutes. Great.
Well done, Marg, and one amendment--shows at the Harbour house are in the dining room and lobby. Try fitting 21 pictures in the restaurant!
© 2025 Created by Wendy Rosier.
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