Wednesday June 12th 2013

Call to order 19:08

23 members present

1) Susan Huber Presentation;  Large format monochrome images.

2) Eclectic visions: Drop off 5-6PM on the 26th,  Reception 5-7pm on 28th.Show runs toJuly 7th.  Pick-up images from4 to 5PM on July 7th

  Posters and flyers are ready.  An e-mail version will be sent to all members so they can invite all their friends.

3) Wendy on pricing:  Cost of Supplies+Cost of your time= total production cost 

x2 = wholesale 

x2 = retail price.  Bottom line: Cover your costs.

Recommended reading:

4)  Resources by Evelin Smith is now up on the website.  Many thanks for her efforts and good work.  If any members have anything to add, you can send her a DM

5) Saltspring Artist Directory  is up and running.  SSPhotog members can join for $35 instead of the regular $45.  You must join in the next 90 days.

6)  Simon Henson,  Bill Gardam and Greg Klaasen have formed an education committee.  There will be a total disclosure of the intent and method During the July Meeting.  This will be in place of a Guest presentation.

7) Jacqueline Sutton has invited SSPhog memgers to the Lavender Festival on July 12th from 10am to 5PM.  Say you are from the SSPhotog’s and the Admission fee will be waiived.

The theme is “Latin.”

8) Theme for July:  “People”  the challenge is:

Create a novel view of a person or an image that conveys a view of that person..

9) Montage/Collage -  Our themed slide show.  Many inspiring images!

10) GVM pictures needed for July: Contact Cliff Kelly.

Meeting Adjourned 21:05

Views: 22

Comment by Curt Firestone on June 13, 2013 at 8:02am

Thank you to Bob Rogers for writing the minutes while Margaret is out of town.


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