Very gracious of you Trudy - I think it's great that we're also able to practice the delicate art of critiquing, which I'm finding I learn a lot from (receiving) , but struggle with making suggestions. I can never be sure if I'm being helpful or... :)
The driftwood is behind a bank so the sun was not on it directly. It would still make a good photo if the crop had left all the wood in it. Thank you all.
Composition's so subjective - I like all of the foreground wood included rather that cropped out, but might crop out the bit of blue sky and yet leave all the pink.... It's a beautiful scene Trudy - how'd you get all that colour with such a bright sun? (shows what I know about digital photos)
Comment by Patricia Page on March 31, 2010 at 10:11pm
I like the original, all the different textures and each a different colour.
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