The Surf Scoter-a shovel shaped beak for opening shell fish - but also a herring roe gatherer

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Comment by Cliff Kelly on January 16, 2011 at 6:25pm
Avril - I have been a member of Nona Rojinsky water bird watch (actually it is the Vancouver Island Water Bird Watch) for a number of years. I used to repport monthly, but have slacked off some. This is one of the birds we count and they usually show up in the spring to get the herring eggs. They have been here for the last few years and when they arrive it is quite noticeable because they always travel in flocks of about 100 birds and I have photos fo these flocks for the last few years - they usually browse just outside of Churchill Cove and when they are at thrie busiest they are usually joined by the local Golden Eyes and Buffle heads. - I also have shots showing that combination. They don't get too close to shore (sometimes an occasional few will wander close) but they are a good photo op for anyone interested and I will be happy to communicate to interested persons when they have arrived - - probably late March or early April. (That is depending on whether they arrive at all). The information I have is that they are very prevalent around Vancouver Island but they only show up when there is a significant Herring run - and there has been here for the last two or three years but before that they did not come for a number of years because the herring didn/t show in significant numbers.  Hope this was helpful. I spent several hours on the beach with my cameras and tripod last year. 
Comment by Avril Kirby on January 16, 2011 at 7:24am
Bill does a bird count for the Waterbird watch and it's been some time since we've seen any of these on his patch--are they just winter visitors, Cliff? And have you grabbed them all in your bay?
Comment by Trudy Sloan on January 14, 2011 at 12:16pm
I have not seen this kind of duck before. nice shot.

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