Shall we have a seasonal pot-luck? I'm proposing something after December 15th, preferably in the afternoon as several of our members don't like to drive at night in the winter -  perhaps 1 or 2 p.m?
Or we could car pool if it's an evening event.
I will co-ordinate if someone has a space large enough and would be willing to open it up for this event.
Please reply indicating your interest and whether you would be willing to host.

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Wish that I could be there. Maybe the club could rent a small gathering place?
Sounds like a great idea. In the summer I have lots of outside room, but not at this time of year.
I would participate, but cannot host.
Sounds like fun Elehna - The Lion's hall is a nice place to have something if a lot of people are interested, but it may be a little last minute. I'd be happy to help if something shapes up :)

Good idea and I'd like to come if I can.  Can't host though, I'm afraid. I could help with set up probably.

I would love to be part of this event! Most days work for me except Fridays, let me know what the choices end up being. Thank you for suggesting this, Nirmal.


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