Here is a link to the Digital Photography School website ( you can subscribe to their newsletters) - an article about photographing strangers:


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thank you, Pat. let's go to Victoria and do this!

Thanks, Pat.

I couldn't agree more with what this author says.

Particularly in regard to the 85mm lens. I got one last June, an f/1.2 1 Nikkor prime, and noticed a tremendous improvement in keeping my subjects relaxed, because I could keep my distance while still communicating verbally. And primes are so crisp.

Also there is there is no wide angle distortion and a great bokeh when this lens is used wide open.

What I also learned, early on, was that there was an increased subject comfort level when I avoided my viewfinder and used my display screen to compose. The screen method lets your subject keep seeing your face, whereas using the viewfinder is more like hiding behind a gun.

(This last consideration was not mentioned in the linked article.)


I have posted more than my 100 portraits this year, not all of strangers however: the first was on 9 Jan and the most recent, 1 Nov...


Note the similar positions of hands in these two glamour shots and recall that the first was posted with the following version:







(The seated man was captured on an iPhone and Cliff, with the new 1 Nikkor 86mm at f/1.2 on a Nikon 1 V2.)

I've had a lot of fun.

Great article and as Timmy says, how about a field trip?

Inspiring, Pat. I'm up for it!


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