I was quite taken by the Toronto skyline photographs from Seth's presentation. This is a bit of haphazard attempt at doing something similar

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Comment by Daniel Wood on July 4, 2024 at 4:11pm

Sorry, I cannot figure out how to reply to comments, but yes, it's sunrise to sunset left to rigth (which just felt more intuitive to me).

I am waiting for another good clear day with fairly high altitude clouds to try again (ideally this would probably be better closer to the winter solstice, so I don't need to wait so long and there is less time for the weather to change), and with a longer lens. The above was 50mm, and I think it would be better if the mountain was much larger in the frame, and then the difference in the light would be more obvious.

The Toronto one that Seth featured, each building was a different time of day, and the various lighting differences were much more dramatic.

Comment by anna mccolm on July 4, 2024 at 3:21pm

Nice to feel inspired and try something new. Good timeline.

Comment by Avril Kirby on July 4, 2024 at 12:59pm
Neat! Sunrise to sunset?

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