I love the junxta-position of these Window Dressings /Content of the windows... and the assumptions we make about people/age/religion... The world is full of Contradiction... and humour....
Personally I think it is all a Marketing mis-match... or... is it?
Albums: Turkey
I didn't even know there was a maximum amount of characters! Hope getting all this off your chest will make you feel better (physically, and I'm sure it will help with mentally, too). Do like the two people photos particularly.
That's what I thought too... exhausted me too... but I felt better when I had got it off my chest... thanks for looking at it... cheers... MCB
So !!!... My pair of Window Dressings ??? What is that all about??? Me thinks an interesting story...
The Seniors were being given the opportunity/convenience/marketplace/new generation savvy .. to buy gifts for the next Generation or the Generation after that even... for weddings and festivities... It's beautiful...
There is Hope, there is Happiness that Life is following its patterns across all cultures and across the ages and life stages...
To me that speaks to love, tradition with a twist, it speaks for humour/flexibility in the people and in the community...
I found the whole experience/situation really, really interesting... and more so, while putting these images together in a group as a challenge to you... my dear...
A whole story unfolded...
A little Surreal, somewhat humorous and hugely emotional...
It really challenged my Preconceptions/Assumptions and sense of Humour... there are many many ways of looking at any give situation... there are many many ways to tell the story.... :):):)
This story unfolds daily around the world and across the cultures... it is just like here at home... in Canada... on SaltSpring Island... in Downtown Ganges... in the local coffee shop...
Sorry about the Rant... Don't know where that came from... ???
Must be something bottled up...
My heart goes out to Everyone caught up in this terrible mess... please all send out your Love, Compassion and Empathy out there... in a very SaltSpring way...
We all know that the War, Anger and Hate is not working... for anyone, anywhere...
The world is in pain and it is crying...
Thanks for reading ... you are a Friend and very patient... Cheers... MCB
Reaching the max. characters (twice) on the site must be a new record... :):):)
P.S. So... that is the Story of the two Window dressing... to your Black Friday my dear - which I think is brilliant by the way... your Black Friday my dear...
Cheers... MCB
The next observation.... chapter in the story....
Then we noticed the people around us... Retiree's, Seniors, Devout not so interested in the Glitz...
They have seen a lot in their lives, learned a little, loved & lost... laughed & cried...
It is the same in all Cultures, all Faiths, everywhere on the globe... Even on our little island... we all share our Humanity, we share Life's process... and we all share the heartache...
Please send Love and Compassion... around the world... the Good guys (whoever that is) and the Bad guys (whoever that is???)... They are all individual people suffering... and just living their lives... as it unfolds... sometimes it is good... sometimes not...
Tired, worried, frail... But strong, principled and confused... by the happenings around them on so many levels... all of the War, Technology, Anger, pain and loss... the utter Waste of humanity/history/culture... loss of respect... The destruction of people, places and thing... and the environment... Why ???
Haven't we learned Anything!!! Worry, suspicion of Changes happening in their lives... anger and frustration that it is happening yet again.... a Deep Deep Sadness... and Exhaustion...
... next comment... if you dare to stay tuned... :):):)
So were these shops to be frequented by women who wear the hijab and cover themselves in black? I'll look forward to the conclusion.
A Pair of Window Dressings... to your Black Friday my dear.... :):):)
Here is the Backstory...
Walking an Old neighbourhood in Istanbul... W we noticed an extraordinary number of shops with very Fancy Bedding shops... just my Style... really glitzy, sleek... an amazing Artistic flair... textures, colours, fabrics, styles... The taste and the Audaciousness.. it was all so wonderfully over the Top... it a very Good Way... I loved it... it made me smile and laugh out loud... and it certainly gave me a new look at bedroom decor...
See next chapter/comment posting.... for the conclusion... it's more a rant than a chapter... but I think an interesting twist on Marketing as we understand it...
and look at it as it happens in a community... In Communities around the world...
Stay tuned... MCB
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