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Posting Etiquette

The SaltSpring Photography Club recommends to its members that they use good ethical judgement and when appropriate obtain permission to take or publish photographs of persons.  Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Canadian Copyright Modernization Act passed in 2012.  The act speaks to photography and copyright issues.

     Works of individual artists remain their          intellectual property and are copyrighted

by their respective authors.

No unauthorized reproduction,

all rights reserved.


The SaltSpring Photography Club does not accept responsibility for the content of this website, including all comments, images and links posted here. Each member/photographer who has generated and posted an image, comment or link on this site assumes full legal and other responsibility for their posting and agrees to indemnify the SaltSpring Photography Club for any liability arising there from. The member/ photographer further assumes all responsibility for ownership, permissions and right to post or publish their images, comments and links.  Questions or concerns regarding use of an image, comment or link must be directed to the member/photographer responsible via the webmaster.

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