Any ideas/preferences for locations?

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The tides look pretty good for Burgoyne Bay for Monday. Looks like any time in the morning would be fine. Doesn't have to be real early. The sun is shining on the moored boats from around 8:00am to whenever. Lots of photo ops along the beach. You drive down to the end of Burgoyne Bay Rd. and then walks a short walk down to the Government Wharf and onto the beach. There's usually no parking spaces at the wharf and it's really for the boat owners.


Club members could arrive at any time that is convenient and just walk down the beach to find us. (well me any way as I will probably get there at around 7:30-8:00am if we do this?)


What do you think? 


Sounds good! I'll be there around 8

OK see you there.


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