Salt Spring Photography  Club

January 10,  2024 Newsletter


January meeting minutes:

The meeting started with a Zoom presentation from Liron Gertsman, a 21 year old professional nature photographer, speaking to us from Vancouver.

He guides trips in the ocean near Campbell River and in the Great Bear Rainforest on the mainland's west coast. He is interested in showing eye-catching and unique images that tell a story. His photography helps to demonstrate the interconnectedness of west coast wildlife and the need to preserve and protect it.

Every photo he showed us had a "Wow!" factor and he confessed to taking a lot (and I mean a LOT) of photos to get the right one. Patience and dedication.

He gave us a lot of information to go with his pictures ; How he would set up his camera for a photo, how he would take in the light situation and go for backlit images (to get light on a whale's out breath) as well as general wildlife facts ( birds always like to fly into the wind). He focussed on the life journey of salmon to demonstrate how their lives impact so many other species as well as the forest.

His website is: lirongertsmantours.com (he guides tours in BC as well as upcoming tours in Alberta (owls) and Ecuador (birds).

His email is: lirongertsman@shaw.ca 

Recording of his presentation (with his permission):


Passcode: u5RdR.vE




  • There are 3 new members to welcome to the Club. Zaiya Spray (our youngest member, Hannah's daughter), Seth Berkowitz and Julianna Slomka,
  • Anna McColm (me!) is showing photos of sandstone (both local and in Nevada) at the Country Grocer cafe for January.
  • Howard Fry signed up for November at the cafe so now the year is full (the club shows photos there every second month, alternating sharing the space with the Painter's Guild.)

        Howard will be showing some of his portraits at the Roasting Company Cafe on February 12th, for 2 months.

  • The lobby show at ArtSpring is up and is looking good.
  • Annual membership fees ($30) are due now and can be e-transferred to Patricia Page. patssi@shaw.ca
  • ArtSpring is celebrating its 25 year anniversary and invites artists to submit a proposal for displaying their work during April 17 - 20. More information will be given as it all becomes clearer. It will be a mixed collection of various art forms. To enter go to their website at https://artspring.ca/
  • Eclectic Visions (our annual Photography show at Galley 8 in Grace Point Square) will be in May 15th- 30th. Judy will send more information in late February. If not enough people have signed up for the show by April 1st then there is a possibility that people could sign up twice and be able to display more images. To discuss....

        Let Judy know if you'd like to help with the show. 

  • Judy mentioned a website called 'Digital Photography School' that gives tips on photography and has a weekly challenge. From their challenge repertoire, Judy picked out 'Everyday Objects' for our next month's challenge.



Speakers for our upcoming meetings;

February and March will be Zoom and in April we will be back in the Library Programme Room.

February - we'll continue David duChemin's talk.

March   - Pierre will share some of his underwater photography

April  - Claudia will give a talk

May  - the focus will be talking about the EV show. There may be a speaker.

June - Seth Berkowitz will give a presentation

Please let Judy know if you have ideas for future speakers or if you would like to show a body of your work.



December’s Challenge Slide Show:

Avril shared her screen and we watched the Club's wildlife challenge show. Amazing photos from all over the world. Our own Island produced photos of swans, herons, kingfishers, river otters, owls, deer and painted turtles.


Next month's challenge: Everyday objects.


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