SaltSpring Photography Club

December Newsletter


Our festive meeting on December 14th at the library was attended by 8 club members. 

Marguerite Lee won the gift giveaway - a poinsettia plant.  It was a nice evening socializing and watching the themed holiday slideshow.


For January's slideshow, we will have winter as the theme now that we are actually having one. Please send two images to Avril by midnight Jan 9th,


Also for January, we will have a zoom meeting with Kahsia doing a slide presentation on her Greenland and Iceland photos, on January 11th at 7 pm.


Zoom meetings will continue for February and March.  Then in person for April - Sept

Anyone wanting to do a presentation on their photography for one of our meetings, please contact me.



Annual dues are due in January $30 per member/year Please send your E-transfer to or contact her for another form of payment.


By now you will have received an email from Wendy regarding the Lobby Show at ArtSpring.   Please have your info to her by December 30th, hanging day is Tuesday, January 3rd at 10 am.


GUILD show update:  We have 12 members signed up for the show in May - if you still want to sign up and haven't yet, please contact me at  May 24 - 28.  More info to follow in the coming months.


Eclectic Visions: The week after the Guild show will be our annual show June 3 - 18th.


Lady Minto Slideshow:  Will soon be up and running - the final touches are being done.


BC Yukon Series:  There will be a presentation on January 13th - Pierre will forward the link to join.


The Royal BC Museum in Victoria has 'The Wild Life Photographer of the Year' exhibit from Dec 16 to April 16th. 


Country Grocer exhibit for January is Judy McPhee.  Avril in March, Maggie V in May, Hannah in July.  September and November are still available.  Please contact Anna or myself if interested.



Happy Holidays Everyone!

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