Sony A7rii, 28-300mm lens at45mm, 1/50th @ f- 13, ISO 6400. Camera was set on B&W Mode which gives me a RAW colour image and a B&W Jpeg image .... this is the Jpeg right out of the camera. In other words I let the camera process the image instead of Lightroom or Photoshop.

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Same shot processed in Lightroom ..... don't know which one I like better? I think the camera version shows more depth???

Larry, for detailed comparisons, I like to put things side-by-side:


The LR-processed version is on the left, the camera-alone version on the right. It's now easy to see the extra contrast and black boost in the camera version, confirmed in the histograms.

Thanks for that Doug, good point!

Your version is lighter in the shadows, thus finding more detail and adding that to the overall texture, giving the image a flatter look.


I like the camera version better. It seems to have more contrast,
I agree Kahsia!

Camera version seems more real, less "shopped", to me.


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