Any suggestions for time and place?

I was considering the beach at the end of Fernwood on north beach road. Not sure if there's possibility for sunrise there with Galiano's elevation, but the angle seems right.

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I think it's worth a try and if it doesn't rise (because of overcast not the end of the universe) we could maybe try some long exposure shots around the Fernwood dock???


What time would we need to be there. Note that if Ross isn't there you won't get a wake-up text!!!

haha, if we're going for sunrise we'd be looking at about 6:50am

The sunrise there is great on the right hand side. Sunsets on the left are also grand.

Just a reminder that high tide is 08.04 am on the 28th.

Good point

Morning Colton, are we doing this on Monday morning? I will be there at 6:30 am at the Fernwood Dock. The weather is supposed to be decent and we can work around the tide.

Yup, sunrise should be at 7, so I'll be there about 6:40, see you then!

Now that was a fast reply ...... seeing as it was before lunch on an Easter Sunday morning I didn't think you would be up yet!!!


Thanks, see you tomorrow morning!

I will join you as well...promise rain or shine I will be there. Cheers. 

Great! See you there

This is where I always go for sunrise.  If you get high tide you can always stand on the pier.  Actually the sunrise looks better as get better composition. Best location on the island. Sunsets here only later in the season when sun sets further up.  Let me know I will join you there. The pic below is from my last sunrise at Fernwood.


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