The following club members have indicated their wish to participate in Eclectic Visions this year (the club's big annual show at Artspring). The show will run from June 27 to July 9 (new corrected date). Guidelines and entry forms will be sent to all participants by email.
1. Avril Kirby
2. Gord Singbeil
3. Doug McMillin 4. Pat Fraser 5. Gwen McDonald 6. Margaret Benmore 7. Wendy Rosier 8. Curt Firestone 9. Timmy Gibbon 10. Stephen Young 11. Pauline Doucette aka Fifi 12. Brian Hartley 13. Elehna de Sousa 14. Cliff Kelly 15. Uri Cogan 16. Pierre Mineau 17. Anna McColm 18. Judy McPhee 19. Don Romanchuk 20. Bernadette Mertens-McAllister 21. Joanne Montrichard 22. Jonesi 23. Sylvia Beech 24. Willow Sky McDonald 25. Larissa Sayer 26. Susan Batchelor 27. Doug Wahlsten 28. Maggie Argiro 29. Jacqueline Sutton
All fees have now been paid. Final date for submission of entry forms is Wednesday, June 11.