SaltSpring Photography Club

               NEWSLETTER   October 2022



NOTES   From  the October 12th  meeting:

  1. Country Grocer: dates for members to display their work in the cafe:

                            January 2023: Judy

                            March, 2023: Avril

                            May, 2023: Maggie

                            July, September, & November 2023: open


  1. A friend of Avril notes that the Palliative Care unit at Lady Minto Hospital needs art for their walls. Her friend has art to contribute but needs framing glass. If anyone has spare glass please let Avril know.


  1. Pierre gave an update on our liaison with BC/Yukon Photograph Club. ( https://nsps.ca/bc-yukon-inter-club-speaker-series-2022-23/). This group has 20 members and offers four on–line lectures annually at no cost to us. Upcoming dates topics are as follows:

                            November 18th, Bryan Peterson  

                            January 13th: Not yet decided

                            February 24th: Diane Bos, speaking on Alternate Photo Technology

April 14th: Craig Blacklock, speaking on Wide Scope Photography.  Pierre met Craig on a kayaking expedition and impressed him with the equipment he was using on this trip. He has done a number of photos books, including a book on Lake Superior.  The SSI photography club is sponsoring this lecture which means our members have the opportunity to prepare a pre-lecture slide show showcasing our work. Begin thinking about which photos you would like to submit.


  1. Lady Minto slide show: it is time to update the club slideshow that runs continuously at Lady Minto Hospital and other sites on SSI (? Harbour House Hotel, Salt Spring Coffee ? ) This is a great opportunity to showcase your work for viewing by our island neighbours. Please submit up to 10 photos of SSI to Judy McPhee (jhmcphee@shaw.ca) by mid- October, using landscape 16/7 or similar, with the long side 2040px @ rpi of 200 px/inch. (OK to send a 300 resolution image). Thus far, 14 members have submitted photos.


  1. Lecture: Mark Wallace speaking about “Photoshop for Beginners”. Although labeled “beginner” many members found this a rather advanced presentation with a great deal of technical information presented quite rapidly. Viewed 14 of 49 lessons at this meeting, and will continue with the presentation at our next meeting, focusing on Layering and Layer Masks


  1. Members slide show this evening was Flowers, picking up on Jana’s excellent presentation last month on Flowers. Next Month’s slide show theme: “Abstract”.


  1. The slideshow id posted on the website under the MAIN tab subheading NEWS/SLIDESHOW or on the right side column under the same name.

Thanks to Judy McPhee for her excellent leadership and chairing of the meeting, and to Avril Kirby for managing this evening’s  slide show.

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